The studies are also suggestive of the involvement of aromatic, i

The studies are also suggestive of the involvement of aromatic, imine and carbohydrate moieties of the glyco-imino-conjugates in the effective inhibition. The binding of glyco-imino-conjugate has been established

by extensive studies carried out using fluorescence emission and isothermal titration calorimetry. The conformational changes resulted in the enzyme upon interaction of these derivatives has been established by studying the fluorescence quench of the enzyme by KI as well as from the secondary structural changes noticed in CD spectra. All these studies revealed the difference in the binding strengths of the naphthylidene vs. salicylidene as well as galactosyl vs. lactosyl moieties present in these conjugates. The differential inhibition of these glyco-conjugates has been addressed by quantifying the specific interactions present between the glyco-conjugates and the enzyme BMS-345541 datasheet by using rigid docking studies.”
“In plant cells Golgi apparatus organization, maintenance and distribution differ from that in mammalian cells and the mechanisms for this are not clearly understood. Here we investigate the role of microtubules in the positioning and arrangement of Golgi apparatus in the root cells of Triticum aestivum L. by using dual immunofluorescent labeling and laser confocal microscopy to localize both throughout the cell cycle. We observed that Golgi stacks (i) in interphase cells predominantly occupied the perinuclear region,

(ii) during mitosis they redistributed to the spindle periphery and/or areas above P505-15 spindle poles, and (iii) in telophase accumulated around the phragmoplast and the chromosomes/nuclei of daughter cells. Inhibition of microtubule assembly by colchicine resulted in aggregation of Golgi in the cortical cytoplasm of interphase cells and accumulation around the chromosomes in C-mitotic cells, in stark contrast with the distribution in untreated cells. Electron microscopy revealed that in colchicine treated cells many Golgi units became disorganized, yet others were abnormally enlarged. Overall, our results indicate that in plant cells microtubules

play a key role in restricting the position and maintaining the arrangement and structural integrity of the Golgi apparatus. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Near-total laryngectomy is a surgical technique which grants the potential for postoperative speech without the need for prostheses or secondary surgical procedures. Aspiration can be a problem, however, that can require completion laryngectomy to resolve. A 60-year-old male underwent a near-total laryngectomy for recurrent laryngeal cancer. The patient developed chronic aspiration secondary to a leaking shunt. Work up was negative for recurrent cancer. Calcium hydroxylapatite was injected transorally at the opening into the shunt and transtomally into the exit of the shunt to seal it. Postoperative barium swallow showed resolution of aspiration.

In the present work the interaction of meloxicam with HSA in aque

In the present work the interaction of meloxicam with HSA in aqueous solution at physiological pH has been investigated through circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. The strong quenching of the fluorescence clearly indicated that the binding of the drug to HSA changed the microenvironment of tryptophan residue and the tertiary structure of HSA. This was confirmed by the destabilization of the warfarin binding site. CD and fluorescence spectroscopic results showed marked reductions (about 40% decrease in the CD Cotton effect intensity, and similar to 15% decrease of the fluorescence intensity) in the affinity

of albumin for bilirubin upon meloxicam binding. The strong inhibition of warfarin and ANS bound to protein after meloxicam Erastin price modification compared with aspirin confirms that the binding site of both drugs is not

the same. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Infection-associated glomerulonephritis is uncommon in adults. In the present study, we have tried to determine Repotrectinib research buy the mode of presentation, the spectrum of morphology, and the prognostic factors for renal outcome in adult patients with infection-associated glomerulonephritis.\n\nBetween July 2000 and June 2008, 20 adults (14 males, 6 females) with infection-associated glomerulonephritis were managed at a medical center in Taiwan. The patients’ records were retrospectively reviewed with respect to clinical presentation, microbiology, serology, morphology of renal biopsy, and clinical course.\n\nAll patients developed acute renal failure and the majority required dialysis support. The Fedratinib supplier most frequently identified infectious agent was Staphylococcus (60%). Histological characteristics showed two distinct patterns of glomerulonephritis. One was diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis (65%) and the other was focal mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

(35%). There were no significant differences in the clinical presentation and outcome between the two groups. However, glomerular neutrophil infiltration and subepithelial hump-shaped deposits were more commonly present in diffuse endocapillary proliferative pattern (P = 0.017, 0.004, respectively). Moreover, the percentage of patients with focal mesangial proliferative pattern significantly increased over time (P < 0.001). At the end of follow-up, 6 patients (30%) had died, 6 (30%) were in remission, 4 (20%) had renal insufficiency, and 4 (20%) were on chronic dialysis. The prognostic factors for renal outcome were peak serum creatinine, percentage of glomeruli affected by crescents, and interstitial infiltration (P = 0.02, 0.05, 0.01, respectively).\n\nOur data suggested that Staphylococcus had become the leading pathogen in adult infection-associated glomerulonephritis over the past 10 years. Furthermore, atypical histological feature with focal mesangial proliferative pattern was increasingly identified over time.

Several of the proteins were localized on the sperm head However

Several of the proteins were localized on the sperm head. However, these proteins have also been described to exert other functions in the flagellum. Co-precipitation experiments with rhZP-coated beads confirmed the direct interaction of GSTM with ZP4 and of VDAC2 with ZP2 and ZP3.\n\nWe used recombinant ZP mTOR inhibitor in place of native ZP. Thus, the post-translational modifications of the proteins, such as glycosylations, can be different and can influence their function. However, CHO cell-expressed rhZP are functional, e.g. can bind human

spermatozoa and induce the acrosome reaction. Moreover, the identification of relevant proteins was limited by the need for sufficient amounts of proteins on the preparative 2D-gel to be subsequently analysed in MALDI-TOF MS/MS.\n\nOur results bring new insights on the ability of sperm proteins to exert several functions depending on their sub-cellular localization, either the head or flagellum. Their multiple roles suggest that these sperm proteins are multifaceted or moonlighting proteins.\n\nThis work was supported by the grant ReproRio (CNRS, INRA, INSERM and CEA) and the Socit dAndrologie de Langue Franaise.\n\nNot applicable.”
“Background: The phospholipase A 2 receptor (PLA2R) is a major antigen found in patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (MN). The relationship of genetic polymorphisms

of PLA2R with the susceptibility and clinical outcomes of this disease is unknown. Methods: We studied 199 patients with idiopathic ARO 002 MN followed up for 3.7 +/- 3.2 years. We enrolled 33 patients with secondary MN and 356 subjects with normal blood pressure and no proteinuria. PLA2R single

nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped. Results: The allele frequencies learn more of C in rs35771982 and G in rs3828323 were 73.6 and 73.9%, respectively. Subjects with the CC genotype in rs35771982 had a higher susceptibility to idiopathic MN compared to subjects with other genotypes (odds ratio 2.6; 95% confidence interval 1.8-4.0). Patients with secondary MN were not different from controls with regard to PLA2R genotype. No impact of genetic polymorphisms on renal survival was detected. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that PLA2R SNPs might be associated with the risk of developing MN. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel”
“Protected L-homoDMDP en-8 and its C-6 epimer en-7 were prepared through two different pathways starting from the vinylpyrrolidine en-9. Based on the NMR and X-ray analysis, the stereochemistry of homoDMDP at C-6 was confirmed to be consistent with reported data. Compounds en-7 and en-8 are general intermediates for the synthesis of a series of 6-C-alkylated DMDP-related natural products, such as broussonetine G, homoDMDP-7-O-apioside, homoDMDP-7-O-beta-D-xyloside and so on.

This work introduces variational formulation, performs the Fourie

This work introduces variational formulation, performs the Fourier analysis, and conducts biomedical and biological applications of the proposed PDE transform. The variational formulation offers an algorithm to incorporate two image functions and two sets of low-pass

PDE operators in the total energy functional. Two low-pass PDE operators have different signs, buy AZD1208 leading to energy disparity, while a coupling term, acting as a relative fidelity of two image functions, is introduced to reduce the disparity of two energy components. We construct variational PDE transforms by using EulerLagrange equation and artificial time propagation. Fourier analysis of a simplified PDE transform is presented to shed light on the

filter properties of high-order PDE transforms. Such an analysis also offers insight on the parameter selection of the PDE transform. The proposed PDE transform algorithm is validated by numerous benchmark tests. In one selected challenging example, we illustrate APR-246 datasheet the ability of PDE transform to separate two adjacent frequencies of sin (x) and sin(1.1x). Such an ability is due to PDE transform’s controllable frequency localization obtained by adjusting the order of PDEs. The frequency selection is achieved either by diffusion coefficients or by propagation time. Finally, we explore a large number of practical applications to further demonstrate the utility of the proposed PDE transform. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley

& Sons, Ltd.”
“Several oligothymidylates containing various ratios of phosphodiester and isopolar 5′-hydroxyphosphonate, 5′-O-methylphosphonate and 3′-O-methylphosphonate internucleotide linkages were examined with respect to their hybridization properties with oligoriboadenylates and their ability to induce RNA cleavage by ribonuclease H (RNase H). The results demonstrated that the increasing number of 5′-hydroxyphosphonate or 5′-O-methylphosphonate units in antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) significantly stabilizes the heteroduplexes, whereas 3′-O-methylphosphonate AOs cause strong destabilization of the heteroduplexes. Only the heteroduplexes with 5′-O-methylphosphonate units in the antisense strand exhibited a significant increase in Escherichia coli RNase H cleavage activity by up to 3-fold (depending on the ratio of phosphodiester and phosphonate linkages) in comparison with the natural heteroduplex. A similar increase in RNase H cleavage activity was also observed for heteroduplexes composed of miRNA191 and complementary AOs containing 5′-O-methylphosphonate units. We propose for this type of AOs, working via the RNase H mechanism, the abbreviation MEPNA (MEthylPhosphonate Nucleic Acid).”
“Sharps injuries create a high volume of occupational health (OH) workload in the health care setting.

“The capability of tracing a food product along its produc

“The capability of tracing a food product along its production chain is important to ensure food safety and product authenticity. For this purpose and as an application example, recently developed Silica Particles with Encapsulated DNA (SPED) were added to

milk at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 ppb (mu g per kg milk). Thereby the milk, as well as the milk-derived products yoghurt and cheese, could be uniquely labeled with a DNA tag. Procedures for the extraction of the DNA tags from the food matrixes were elaborated and allowed identification and quantification of previously marked products by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) with detection limits below 1 ppb of added particles. The

applicability of synthetic as well as naturally occurring DNA sequences was shown. The usage of approved food additives GM6001 research buy as DNA carrier (silica = E551) and the low cost of the technology ( smaller than 0.1 USD per ton of milk labeled with 10 ppb of SPED) display the technical applicability of this food labeling technology.”
“Adhesion to fibronectin stimulates protein synthesis (translation) of fibroblasts. Protein synthesis stimulation is dependent from the activation of beta(1)-integrin. beta(1)-Integrin elicits a PI3K cascade that modulates eIF4F (eukaryotic initiation factor 4F) complex formation. In the attempt to further dissect elements of the PI3K cascade that might be responsible for fibronectin-stimulated translation, we used pharmacological inhibitors of known kinases. We found that JNK QNZ chemical structure inhibition, by SP600125 treatment, increased (35)S-methionine incorporation. Paradoxically, the increase in methionine incorporation was associated to a reduction of initiation of translation. These

data imply that, during the adhesion of fibroblasts to fibronectin, conspicuous protein degradation occurs. Indeed, we found that inhibition of the proteasome by MG132 also increased methionine incorporation. Cotranslational degradation depended on PI3K activation. In spite of this, serum promoted translation, but not cotranslational degradation. The crosstalk between translation and degradation was further analyzed by studying the phosphorylation Apoptosis Compound Library datasheet of initiation factors. Briefly, inhibition of JNK leads to eIF2 alpha phosphorylation. which may account for the decrease in initiation of translation. In conclusion, beta(1)-integrin-activated translation causes the synthesis of short-lived proteins, whose degradation is controlled by the JNK pathway. We hypothesize that JNK is a general regulator of cotranslational degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Background-Patients with peripheral arterial disease are at high risk of ischemic events and therefore are treated with antithrombotics. In patients with coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease, bleeding is related to the subsequent occurrence of ischemic events.

Adverse effects oil thyroid function and thyroid hormone metaboli

Adverse effects oil thyroid function and thyroid hormone metabolism have also been seen with several TKIs, necessitating prospective thyroid function

testing for all patients Starting therapy (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Haloperidol, a classical antipsychotic drug, affects the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in the brain, However, findings are inconsistent and the mechanism by which haloperidol regulates ERK is poorly understood. Therefore, we examined the ERK pathway and the related protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in detail after haloperidol administration. Haloperidol (0.5 and 1 mg/kg) induced biphasic changes AZD1208 chemical structure in the phosphorylation level FG-4592 price of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), ERK, and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90RSK) without changing Raf-1 phosphorylation. Fifteen minutes after haloperidol administration, MEK-ERK-p90RSK phosphorylation increased, whilst PP2A activity decreased. At 60 min, the reverse was observed and the binding of PP2A to MEK and ERK increased. Higher dosages of haloperidol (2 and 4 mg/kg), affected neither MEK-ERK-p90RSK phosphorylation nor

PP2A activity. Accordingly, PP2A regulates acute dose- and time-dependent changes in MEK-ERK-p90RSK phosphorylation after haloperidol treatment. These findings suggest the involvement of a dephosphorylating mechanism in the acute action of haloperidol.”
“Multimodal imaging-therapeutic nanoprobe TiO(2)@RhdGd was prepared and successfully used for in vitro

and in vivo cell tracking as well as for killing of cancer cells in vitro. TiO(2) nanoparticles were used as a core for phosphonic acid modified functionalities, responsible for contrast in MRI and optical imaging. The probe shows high (1)H relaxivity and relaxivity Selleckchem Roscovitine density values. Presence of fluorescent dye allows for visualization by means of fluorescence microscopy. The applicability of the probe was studied, using mesenchymal stem cells, cancer HeLa cells, and T-lymphocytes. The probe did not exhibit toxicity in any of these systems. Labeled cells were successfully visualized in vitro by means of fluorescence microscopy and MR.-Furthermore, it was shown that the probe TiO(2)@RhdGd can be changed into a cancer cell killer upon UV light irradiation. The above stated results represent a valuable proof of a principle showing applicability of the probe design for diagnosis and therapy.”
“The influence of motor activity on sensory processing is crucial for perception and motor execution. However, the underlying circuits are not known.

Within Sr:Ca ratio, the 1:3 ratio exhibited some remineralization

Within Sr:Ca ratio, the 1:3 ratio exhibited some remineralization whereas other groups tended to demineralize. Only the difference between groups SrCa1/3 and SrCa0 was of statistical significance. In summary, both lesion baseline characteristics and Sr:Ca ratio were shown to effect lesion de- and remineralization. Under the conditions of the study, high-R lesions are more prone to demineralize under PF-like conditions than low-R lesions. In addition, partial Sr substitution for Ca in PF was shown to BTK inhibitor chemical structure enhance lesion remineralization.

(c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Although the number of studies focusing on the major histocompatibility complex I (MHC class I) in poultry is increasing, the MHC class I is still poorly understood in diseases detailedly. In order to further investigate the relationship between

the MHC class I and resistance to diseases, we cloned thirty MHC class I of Qingyuan Partridge chickens by RT-PCR and analyzed the amino acid sequences. These MHC class I genes encoded 344 or 355 amino acids. A total of 16 amino acid residues showed polymorphism by Wu-kabat index analysis in the peptide-binding domains (PBDs). The variability with high scores (>= 8) was found at four amino acid sites (9, 111, 113 and 153) corresponding to those that this website can interact with antigenic peptides from the protein model. Our results revealed that the PBD of the Qingyuan Partridge chicken MHC class I is highly polymorphic. Different MHC class I haplotypes associated with different disease

resistances in chickens have been confirmed. We compared our MHC class I sequences with six chicken MHC class I from disease-related haplotypes, some high variant sites (score >= 8) studied in Qingyuan Partridge chickens were different between resistant and susceptible sequences. In addition, according to the eight conserved HLA-A amino acids that bind with antigen polypeptides, we found that six amino acid residues (Y7, G26, Y58, Y84, Y156 and 17-AAG molecular weight Y168) in the PBDs were invariable in all our sequences. The phylogenetic trees showed that the PBDs of MHC class I contained 21 different a I domains and 18 different alpha 2 domains, and some sequences had the same direction of evolution with the resistance-related sequences. As mentioned above, we concluded that the characteristics of PBD in MHC class I were closely linked to diseases.”
“Genetic variants in ankyrin 3 (ANK3) have recently been shown to be associated with bipolar disorder (BD). We genotyped three ANK3 SNPs previously found to be associated with BD (rs10994336, rs1938526, and rs9804190) in a Scandinavian BD case-control sample (N = 854/2,614). Due to evidence of genetic overlap between BD and schizophrenia (SZ), we also genotyped these three SNPs in a Scandinavian SZ case-control sample (N = 1,073/2,919).

1-5 7) Conclusions: Fully two-thirds of human immunodeficienc

1-5.7).\n\nConclusions: Fully two-thirds of human immunodeficiency virus-infected adolescents in the current study demonstrated a suboptimal virologic response to HAART. Nonadherence and prior single or dual antiretroviral therapy were associated with subsequent poor virologic responses to HAART. These predictors of HAART failure echo findings in pediatric and adult populations. Given the unique developmental stage of adolescence, age-specific interventions are indicated to address high rates of nonadherence and therapeutic failure.”
“A range

of posterior segment abnormalities, especially anomalies of the find more optic papilla, coloboma, and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous are associated with the high risk to develop a retinal

detachment. Most of these retinal detachments develop in the first and second decade of life. In most cases of retinal detachment caused by malformations, vitreoretinal surgery is indicated. Results of surgery depend on the nature of malformations. In spite of this website an anatomic re-attachment of the retina, in some eyes the functional results are limited. Especially in cases of severe PHPV, the aim of vitrectomy is only to prevent complications. Vitreoretinal surgery should not be performed in eyes with no light perception, without papillary light reflex, and/or with unrecordable visually evoked potential.”
“Objective: To evaluate the quasi-isometric points (nearest isometric points) between the distal aspect of the femur and fabella and the proximal aspect of the tibia for placement of a lateral suture in cats. Study Design: Radiographic study. Animals: Cadaveric cat stifles (n = 7 cats; 14 stifles). Methods: Specimens were secured in a mounting frame to maintain rigid fixation of the femur and allow free range of motion of the stifle joint and proximal tibia. Two anatomic landmarks were identified: the center of the lateral fabella (Ff) and a point 4 mm proximal to

the insertion of the patellar tendon adjacent to the tibial cortex (Tt). Radiopaque spheres were placed at predefined landmarks in the femur (caudal aspect of the lateral femoral condyle distal [F1] and proximal [F2] to the lateral fabella) and in the tibia (caudal to the proximal aspect of the extensor groove [T1]; cranial to the proximal aspect of the extensor groove [T2]; 2 mm proximal and caudal to the insertion of the patellar tibial tendon [T3] and 3 mm caudal to the insertion of the patellar tibial tendon [T4]. For each stifle, 4 radiographic projections were made: in extension (166 degrees), in flexion (45 degrees), and 2 intermediate stance phases (90 degrees, 130 degrees). ANOVA was used to compare means of the distance between the point pairs and means of the percent change in variation of distance (VOD%) using the 45 degrees measurement as a reference. Results: Mean VOD% nearest to zero, over all the different angles tested, was produced by Ff-Tt, which was statistically significantly different from each of the other point pairs.

In view of the lack of concordance between phylogeny and classifi

In view of the lack of concordance between phylogeny and classification, we propose numerous taxonomic changes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Caloric restriction (CR) attenuates aging-related degenerative processes throughout the body. It is less clear, however, whether Selleck Nutlin 3a CR has a similar effect in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus, an area important for learning and memory processes that often are compromised in aging. In order to evaluate the effect of CR on synapses across lifespan, we quantified synapses stereologically in the middle molecular

layer of the dentate gyrus (DG) of young, middle aged and old Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats fed ad libitum (AL) or a CR diet from 4 months of age. The results indicate that synapses are maintained across lifespan in both

AL and CR rats. In light of this stability, we addressed whether aging and CR influence neurotransmitter receptor levels by measuring subunits of NMDA (NR1, NR2A and NR2B) and AMPA (GluR1, GluR2) receptors in the DG of a second cohort of AL and CR rats across lifespan. The results reveal that the NR1 and GluR1 subunits decline with age in AL, but not CR rats. The absence of an aging-related decline in these subunits in CR rats, however, does not arise from increased levels in old CR rats. Instead, it is due to subunit decreases in young CR rats to levels that are sustained in CR rats throughout DMH1 lifespan, but that are reached in AL rats only in old age. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Stress plays a key role in modulating the development and expression of addictive behavior, and is a major cause of relapse following periods of abstinence. In this review we focus our attention on recent advances made in understanding how stress, aversive events, and drugs of abuse, cocaine in particular, interact directly with dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area, and

how these interactions may be involved in stress-induced relapse. We start by outlining how dopamine neurons respond to aversive stimuli and stress, particularly in terms of firing activity and modulation of excitatory synaptic inputs. We then discuss some of the cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of cocaine on dopamine neurons, again click here with a selective focus on synaptic plasticity. Finally, we examine how the effects of stress and cocaine interact and how these cellular mechanisms in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons may be engaged in stress-induced relapse. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“In the title compound, C(17)H(14)BrFO(2)S, the 4-fluorophenyl ring is rotated slightly out of the benzofuran plane, making a dihedral angle of 7.60 (4)degrees. The crystal structure is stabilized by a Br center dot center dot center dot O halogen-bonding interaction [3.048 (1) angstrom].

However, regulation of these changes is poorly understood We rep

However, regulation of these changes is poorly understood. We report discordance of changes in nascent transcript and total nuclear RNA abundance for the transcription factors STAT1 and IRF1, together with lack of effect on their RNA half-lives, in human THP-1 cells infected with M. tuberculosis and stimulated with IFN-g. The results indicate that negative postinitiation regulation of mRNA biogenesis limits the expression of these factors, which mediate host defense against M. tuberculosis through the cellular response to IFN-gamma. Consistent with

the results for STAT1 and IRF1, transcriptome analysis reveals downregulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis processes and pathways by infection, with and without IFN-gamma stimulation. Clinical NVP-LDE225 relevance for regulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis is demonstrated by studies of donor samples showing that postinitiation mRNA biogenesis pathways are repressed

in latent tuberculosis infection compared with cured disease and in active tuberculosis compared with ongoing treatment or with latent tuberculosis. For active disease and latent infection donors from two populations (London, U.K., and The Gambia), each analyzed using a different platform, LY294002 pathway-related gene expression differences were highly correlated, demonstrating substantial specificity in the effect. Collectively, the molecular and bioinformatic analyses point toward downregulation of postinitiation PLX3397 order mRNA

biogenesis pathways as a means by which M. tuberculosis infection limits expression of immunologically essential transcription factors. Thus, negative regulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis can constrain the macrophage response to infection and overall host defense against tuberculosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2013, 190: 2747-2755.”
“Background: Despite advances in surgical treatment options, failure rates of rotator cuff repair have continued to range from 20% to 90%. Hence, there is a need for new repair strategies that provide effective mechanical reinforcement of rotator cuff repair as well as stimulate and enhance the intrinsic healing potential of the patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which augmentation of acute repair of rotator cuff tendons with a newly designed poly-L-lactide repair device would improve functional and biomechanical outcomes in a canine model.\n\nMethods: Eight adult, male mongrel dogs (25 to 30 kg) underwent bilateral shoulder surgery. One shoulder underwent tendon release and repair only, and the other was subjected to release and repair followed by augmentation with the repair device. At twelve weeks, tendon retraction, cross-sectional area, stiffness, and ultimate load of the repair site were measured. Augmented repairs underwent histologic assessment of biocompatibility.