Demographics, clinical, laboratory and histology, auto-antibodies, derived clinical scores and therapy are reported. Results: Results: 13 Females and 2 Males. Mean age 33.3 yrs, range 14-68 years. 50% of cohort had significant disease, initial mean MELD 14.8 (6-26). Comorbid diseases 2 Type I diabetes, single cases of Hyperthyroidism, Interstitial Lung Disease, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Ulcerative Colitis with Primary Sclerosing Colangitis. Initial Bilirubin mean 92.38 improving to 16.35 after treatment. ALT improved mean of
345.23 to 45.85. 8 Liver Biopsies 6 typical. ANA positive in 10 cases. ASMA positive selleck chemical in a single case. No ALKM positive samples. Treatment improved Child-Pugh Score to a mean of 6.2 range of 5-10. Initial treatment with prednisone at 30 mg/day followed by azathioprine. Currently 10 still on Low dose Prednisone. Conclusion: Conclusions: AIH at CHBAH has a female predominance affecting mainly young adults. 50% are clinically ill at presentation. The ANA was a good indicator of disease but ASMA and ALKM were not. pANCA may be a better option. Liver biopsies have proved to be typical. Immunosuppressive therapy
gave a good response in the majority of cases. The HLA class type and T Cell response for our population has yet to be described and is currently being investigated Key Word(s): 1. AutoImmune Hepatitis; Dabrafenib supplier 2. South Africa; Presenting Author: PRABHA SAWANT Additional Authors: PATHIK PARIKH, JATIN PATEL Corresponding Author: PRABHA SAWANT
Affiliations: Professor and Head, Department of Gastroenterology; Resident, Department of Gastroenterology Objective: There is a paucity of literature evaluating Fibroscan in Chronic liver disease and correlation with its severity.The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of Fibroscan® (Echosens, Paris) in chronic liver disease and to see correlation of Liver stiffness with Child Pugh and MELD scoring. Methods: In this single centre case control study, all patients suspected of chronic liver disease (CLD) referred to us were advised ultrasound to detect liver disease.Complete blood count, liver function tests, antinuclear antibody, Anti smooth muscle antibody, Anti LKM1, Serum ceruloplasmin, HBsAg 上海皓元 and Anti HCV were carried out along with a GI endoscopy in all patients to classify the chronic liver disease.Patients with dyspepsia and normal upper GI scopy and ultrasound were taken as controls. Fibroscan was carried out by an experienced examiner in all patients. Fibroscan findings with success rate >60% and IQR/Median <30% were only included in the study. The statistical difference between the groups were calculated by ANOVA. Results: 363 patients were evaluated, however successful Fibroscan was possible in 247 patients (68%); 93 CLD (Alcoholic liver disease: 48, Hepatitis B related CLD: 16, Hepatitis C related CLD: 4, other causes of CLD: 25), 87 fatty liver and 67 controls.