In this review we discuss this research and recent electrophysiol

In this review we discuss this research and recent electrophysiological data from behaving rats that demonstrate

reduced neuronal coordination and processing efficiency in adolescents. A more comprehensive understanding of these processes will further our knowledge of adolescent behavioral vulnerabilities and the pathophysiology of mental illnesses that manifest during this period. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Seahorses give birth to juveniles having a fully functional feeding apparatus, and juvenile feeding behaviour shows striking similarities to that of adults. However, a significant allometric growth of the snout is observed during which the snout shape changes from relatively short and broad in juveniles to relatively long and slender in adults. Since the shape of the buccal AZD6094 in vitro cavity is a critical determinant of the suction performance, this snout allometry will inevitably affect the suction feeding ability. To test whether the snout is optimised for suction feeding throughout an ontogeny, we simulated the expansion of different snout shapes varying from extremely long and slender to short and broad for juvenile and adult snout sizes, using computational fluid dynamic models. Our results showed that the snout diameter at the start of the simulations JNK-IN-8 molecular weight is involved in a trade-off between the realizable suction volume and

expansion time on the one hand (improving with larger initial diameters), and maximal

flow velocity on the other hand (improving BCKDHA with smaller initial diameters). Moreover suction performance (suction volume as well as maximal attainable flow velocity) increased with decreasing snout length. However, an increase in snout length decreases the time to reach the prey by the cranial rotation, which may explain the prevalence of long snouts among syngnathid fishes despite the reduced suction performance. Thus, the design of the seahorse snout revolves around a trade-off between the ability to generate high-volume suction versus minimisation of the time needed to reach the prey by the cranial rotation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Adolescence is a transitional phase during which the juvenile develops into an independent adult individual. In this period in particular frontal cortical brain regions and related neural circuitry are structurally remodeled to a relatively high extent resulting in a refined connectivity and functionality of these brain regions in adulthood. In this review we aim to address the question whether a high structural neuronal plasticity during adolescence makes this developmental period particularly vulnerable to lasting detrimental effects of stress. To answer this question we focus on results from experimental animal research on behavioral, physiological and neurobiological consequences of stress during adolescence.

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