We questioned survey respondents on specific reasons that might have prevented them from pursuing health information prior to their trip. Among all groups, the most commonly cited reason for not pursuing health information was a lack of concern about health problems related to the trip (Figure 1). Survey respondents also commonly reported that they did not consider health problems related to the trip. Business travelers more frequently reported having insufficient time to pursue health information prior to departure DAPT than did other classes of
travelers. Of note, cost was rarely cited as a barrier to pursuing health information. Table 3 shows the sources of health information used Selleckchem PLX3397 by the 259 travelers to LLMI countries who sought medical advice prior to their trip. Overall, the internet was the most common source of health information among survey respondents. Twenty percent of travelers to LLMI countries who sought medical advice specifically reported visiting the CDC Travelers’ Health website (www.cdc.gov/travel); this represents only 11% of all travelers to LLMI countries.
More than a third of travelers to LLMI countries (38%) who sought health information obtained it from a primary care practitioner. Of note, VFR travelers who sought medical advice were particularly likely to have obtained health information from a primary care practitioner (Table 3). Approximately 80 million people from industrialized
nations travel to the developing world each year.5 This travel exposes travelers to preventable health risks that are unique to their destination country and may also pose a risk of importing travel-related diseases to the local population in their home country. In recent decades, travel medicine has grown into a well-developed subspecialty of medicine, with dedicated publications and professional societies. CDC has also focused education efforts on travelers and provides a comprehensive website devoted to travelers’ health (www.cdc.gov/travel). Nevertheless, many travelers do not access health resources prior to departure.6,7 In this study, we surveyed 1,254 international travelers departing from a major US airport, to identify barriers to the pursuit of health information and to understand which, if any, sources of health information were being utilized by travelers Dichloromethane dehalogenase to high-risk countries. Fifty-four percent of survey respondents traveling to LLMI countries reported pursuing health information of any type prior to their trip. This finding is similar to that of a smaller study (n = 404) of US travelers to high-risk destinations departing from John F. Kennedy International Airport, in which 36% reported seeking health advice.8 Also consistent with previous reports, we found that travelers to LLMI countries were more likely to be foreign-born and were more commonly traveling to visit family.