Two shRNAs against mouse fez1 (shRNA-F1 and shRNA-F2), but not a

Two shRNAs against mouse fez1 (shRNA-F1 and shRNA-F2), but not a control shRNA (shRNA-C1) ( Ma et al., 2008), were very effective in knocking down the expression

of endogenous FEZ, but not DISC1 or NDEL1, at the protein level ( Figure 1A; Figure S1B). To assess the potential function of FEZ1 in regulating development of newborn neurons in the adult brain, we stereotaxically injected retroviruses coexpressing shRNA and GFP into the dentate gyrus of the adult mice brain. GFP+ newborn neurons were examined with confocal microscopy at 14 days postinjection (dpi). When compared with GFP+ neurons expressing shRNA-C1, there was a significant increase in the soma size of GFP+ neurons expressing either shRNA-F1 or shRNA-F2 (Figure 1B). Furthermore, GFP+ neurons expressing either shRNA-F1 or shRNA-F2 exhibited accelerated dendritic development with significant increases in both total selleckchem dendritic length and complexity as shown by the Sholl analysis (Figures 1C–1E). Interestingly, increased dendritic growth and soma hypertrophy have also been observed with DISC1 knockdown in these newborn dentate granule cells in the adult hippocampus (Duan et al., 2007). On the other hand, GFP+ neurons with FEZ1 knockdown did not exhibit ectopic primary dendrites, aberrant neuronal positioning (Figure S1C),

or mossy fiber axonal mistargeting (Figure S1D), other characteristic defects that result from DISC1 knockdown (Duan et al., 2007, Faulkner et al., 2008 and Kim et al., 2009). Thus, FEZ1 knockdown leads to a specific subset of, but not all, developmental defects observed in newborn neurons with DISC1 knockdown during aminophylline adult neurogenesis. The similarity of phenotypes from two shRNAs against different regions of the fez1 gene suggests a specific role of FEZ1 in the development of newborn neurons in the adult brain. To further confirm the specificity of the shRNA manipulation, in vivo rescue experiments were performed. We engineered two sets of retroviruses: the first coexpressing GFP and wild-type (WT) mouse fez1 cDNA without the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR; pCUXIE-mFEZ1), or GFP

alone (pCUXIE); the second coexpressing mCherry and shRNA-F1 ( Figure S2A). The shRNA-F1 targets the 3′UTR of the mouse fez1 gene, thus it does not affect mFEZ1 expression from the rescue vector (pCUXIE-mFEZ1). The two types of engineered retroviruses were coinjected into the adult dentate gyrus ( Figure 2A). Expression of shRNA-F1 and mCherry resulted in significant increases in the total dendritic length and soma size in comparison to those expressing shRNA-C1, whereas overexpression of mFEZ1 itself did not lead to any obvious effects ( Figures 2B and 2C), except for a modest change in the dendritic complexity, but not the total dendritic length ( Figure S2B). Importantly, coexpression of mFEZ1, but not vector control, largely normalized increased dendritic growth and soma hypertrophy by shRNA-F1 ( Figures 2B and 2C).

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