Evaluation of scenario-based responses showed that
64% of providers chose not to use antibiotics to treat moderate TD. Furthermore, Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor 19% of providers felt that severe inflammatory diarrhea was best treated with hydration only while 25% felt hydration was the therapy of choice for dysentery. Across all provider types, three practitioner characteristics appeared to be related to better scores on responses to the nine management scenarios: having a Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy degree, greater knowledge of TD epidemiology, and favorable attitudes toward antimotility or antibiotic therapy. Conclusion. Results from this survey support the need for improving knowledge and management of TD among deploying providers. The information from this study should be considered to support the establishment and dissemination KU-57788 clinical trial of military diarrhea-management guidelines to assist in improving the health of military personnel. Travelers’ diarrhea (TD) is a significant contributor to morbidity encountered by forward deployed service members. Recent studies have greatly
increased the understanding of the epidemiology and management of TD.1–3 However, little has been carried out to study whether this knowledge has been effectively translated and disseminated to operational health care providers. TD is typically defined as passing three or more loose stools in a 24-h period in addition to nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, fecal urgency, tenesmus, or the passage of bloody or mucoid stools.4–6 TD typically resolves spontaneously over a 3- to 5-d period, but up to one-quarter of individuals with TD will have to alter their planned activities and up to 1 of 10 may develop postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome.7,8 With respect to the US military there have been many studies which have established
infectious Cediranib (AZD2171) intestinal diseases among the most likely clinic visits for disease and non-battle injury.1,9,10 This occurs despite controlled food and water distribution systems during deployment. TD has an average cumulative attack rate of 29% per month, with rates upward of 70% during deployments to high risk areas such as Southwest Asia.2,11 Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), Campylobacter spp., and Shigella spp. are identified as causative agents for 38% to 45% of diarrheal disease among US military populations overseas.2 TD education, aggressive fluid replacement, antidiarrheal medications, and antibiotics have been the cornerstones of diarrhea management, although practice patterns and treatment guidelines vary. With respect to antibiotic therapy, in 2000, the Cochrane Collaboration Database published a systematic review that demonstrated the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment for TD.