, 2009 and Walton et al., 2010). In the present study, we found that signals related to actual and hypothetical outcomes resulting from specific actions are encoded in both DLPFC and OFC, although OFC neurons tend to encode such outcomes regardless of the animal’s actions more than DLPFC neurons. Three monkeys were trained to perform a computer-simulated
rock-paper-scissors game task (Figure 1A). In each trial, the animal was required to shift its gaze from the central this website fixation target toward one of three green peripheral targets. After the animal fixated its chosen target for 0.5 s, the colors of all three targets changed simultaneously and indicated the outcome of the animal’s choice as well as the hypothetical outcomes that the animal could have received from the other two unchosen targets. These outcomes were determined by the payoff matrix of a biased rock-paper-scissors game (Figure 1B). For example, the animal would receive three drops of juice when it beats the computer opponent by choosing the “paper” target (indicated by the red feedback stimulus in Figure 1A, top). The computer opponent simulated a competitive player trying to minimize the animal’s expected payoff by exploiting statistical biases in the animal’s choice and
outcome sequences (see Experimental Procedures). The optimal strategy for this game (Nash, 1950) is for the animal to choose “rock” with Onalespib clinical trial the
probability of 0.5 and each of the remaining targets with the probability of 0.25 (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures available online). In this study, the positions of the targets corresponding to rock, paper, and scissors were fixed in a block of trials and changed unpredictably across blocks (Figure S1). The animal’s choice behaviors gradually approached the optimal strategies after each block transition, indicating that the animals adjusted their behaviors flexibly (Figure S2A). Theoretically, learning during an iterative game can rely on two different types of feedback. First, decision makers can adjust their for choices entirely based on the actual outcomes of their previous choices. Learning algorithms exclusively relying on experienced outcomes are referred to as simple or model-free reinforcement learning (RL) models (Sutton and Barto, 1998). Second, behavioral changes can be also driven by the simulated or hypothetical outcomes that could have resulted from unchosen actions. For example, during social interactions, hypothetical outcomes can be inferred from the choices of other players, and in game theory, this is referred to as belief learning (BL; Camerer, 2003, Gallagher and Frith, 2003 and Lee et al., 2005).