tuberculosis [19], we find that pPrRv is a weak promoter while pP

tuberculosis [19], we find that pPrRv is a weak promoter while pPr591 acts as a strong promoter. Figure 2 Delineation of regulatory region. Deletion constructs were generated to segregate promoter and the regulatory regions of IGPr. The column labeled as construct shows configuration of the inserts in different VRT752271 purchase clones used in transformation of M.smegmatis mc2 155. The

numbering is with reference to the translational initiation signal YH25448 for Rv0167 as +1. The mutation in VPCI591 is shown as a filled triangle, the regions deleted in each clone is indicated by delta symbol. IGPr: 200 bp intergenic region between Rv0166 and Rv0167. Figure 3 Promoter Activity of IGPr deletion constructs. β-galactosidase activity is expressed as nanomoles of ONPG converted to o-nitrophenol per min per mg of protein for the constructs. Each experiment was carried out in triplicates and standard deviation

is indicated by error bars. The hatched and crossed bars represent log and stationary phase respectively. Please see Figure 2 for description of constructs used. Deletion analysis of IGPr region In order to delineate the region of promoter activity within the 200 base pairs of IGPr, we made a series of deletion constructs. We generated check details amplicons corresponding to (-50 to +1), (-100 to +1), (-150 to-50) and (-200 to -100) and cloned them in pSD5B for expression in M.smegmatis (Figure 2). The promoter activity of 200 base pairs from M.tuberculosis H37Rv (pPrRv) is very low compared to that of the until same region from VPCI591 (pPr591); 130 vs 2265 units respectively. The promoter activity is highest when -100 to +1 is deleted (pPrD) both in log (2255 units) and stationary phase of growth (4961 units, Figure 3); while it is negligible, when -200 to-100 is deleted (pPrB591; 52 and 89 units in log and stationary phase respectively). Additionally, the fragment containing only -150 to -100 (pPrC591) shows poor activity. Therefore we

conclude that the promoter activity is restricted to around 50 base pairs from -200 to -150 within IGPr (Figure 3). Interestingly, significant promoter activity is detected in the construct that is deleted for -100 to +1 (pPrD). These results suggest that -100 to +1 region cloned in pPrRv has a negative effect which is lost in pPr591 derived from the clinical isolate VPCI591. We correlate this gain of expression due to loss of repression to the presence of a point mutation (G > C) at -61 in VPCI591. To compare the mRNA levels from the two constructs, we isolated total RNA from M.smegmatis transformed with pPrRv (200 base pairs from M.tuberculosis H37Rv) and pPr591 (200 base pairs from VPCI591) and the transcript level was estimated by quantitative PCR with lacZ as target gene and sigA as the endogenous control in log and stationary phase. At log phase there is nearly two fold increase in lacZ transcripts in pPr591 as compared to pPrRv whereas in stationary phase it is more than four fold (Figure 4).

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