Table 1 represents an extract from the log file and shows how the

Table 1 represents an extract from the log file and shows how the toxic potential (TP) is calculated. From the normalized binding affinity (affnorm) using the weights reflecting the standard deviation (we.s.d.), the individual toxic potential (TPind) is obtained for each of the 16 target proteins. After ranking the contributions and using Eq. (3), the overall TP Selleckchem Erastin is calculated. The example shows how the toxic potential for bisphenol A (a polymer additive present in many products of our daily

life) is computed. The overall value of 0.484 suggests a moderate risk, particularly with respect to binding to the estrogen receptor β. The VirtualToxLab estimates the binding affinity at 54 nM, which compares well with the experimental value of 90 nM. Apart from the estrogen receptor β, the compound would also seem to bind moderately to the androgen receptor (460 nM), the glucocorticoid receptor (1.3 μM), the mineralocorticoid receptor (1.4 μM), and the estrogen receptor α (8.0 μM). The graphical-user interface allowing to up/download data and to inspect/visualize results is 3D and 4D shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows the 4D representation

of bisphenol A binding to the estrogen receptor β. The calculated binding affinity of 54 nM compares acceptably with the experimental value of 90 nM. The most prominent pose contributes 79.2% to the binding affinity, the second one 13.1% with the remaining poses contributing 7.7%. Multiple binding modes of small molecules binding to proteins Dabrafenib have Staurosporine molecular weight also been experimentally identified (see, for example, Pineda-Sanabria et al., 2011 and Wang et al., 2013). This suggests that a 4D representation might be preferred over a 3D approach. The computational expense, although significant, would seem to be justified because the biologically

relevant pose might be missed when simply selecting the energetically most favorable binding mode. Even experimental techniques (e.g., X-ray crystallography) might not always identify the bioactive conformation, particularly if the crystallization conditions (pH, buffer, temperature) are different from those at the physiological state. Predicting the binding affinity of a small molecule towards a protein first requires the binding mode being correctly and accurately identified. To test our algorithm (cf. Vedani et al., 2012 and Rossato et al., 2010), we have applied the docking protocol implemented in the VirtualToxLab (i.e., software Alignator and Cheetah) to molecular systems for which the binding mode has been identified by means of X-ray crystallography. Fig. 7 compares the lowest-energy conformer as obtained through automated, flexible docking (software Alignator and Cheetah) with the experimental X-ray crystal structure. While the rms agreement is clearly within 1.0 Å (for B and D even within 0.5 Å), this is not necessarily sufficient for calculating the binding affinity within a factor of 10 (corresponding to 1.

Clarifying the relationship between the time histories and cellul

Clarifying the relationship between the time histories and cellular responses and/or fate determination is one of the more Bafilomycin A1 datasheet important issues in patterning studies. Computer simulation can be a powerful tool for understanding such complex dynamics. From an engineering viewpoint, exploring optimal designs for achieving accurate spatial recognition in dynamically changing environments is an interesting problem; cells need to update the estimates of their positions over time. In the field of neural networks or brain science, there is an accumulation of technical knowledge on such estimation problems [56]. Especially, concepts

of sequential inference based on Bayesian updating will be useful for understanding general mechanisms for robustly achieving dynamic patterning. Much knowledge and information about pattern generating GRNs has been gathered in recent years. By contrast, research on mechanisms for generating robust patterns in growing tissues with time-variant morphogen information is just beginning. In particular, there are few reports about higher-dimensional patterning. General principles for robust patterning adopted by real systems will be elucidated only by quantitatively analyzing the interdependent relationships among gradient dynamics, cell trajectory in growing tissues, and time series of cellular responses. To do that,

it goes without saying that mathematical modeling of spatial information coding and simulation studies, as well as advanced measurement techniques, will play crucial roles. Papers of particular interest, published within the period

of review, have been highlighted buy Dasatinib as: • of special interest “
“In the article, “Clinical outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for rectal tumor close to the dentate line,” in the August issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Gastrointest Endosc 2012;76:444-50), there was a typographical error in Table 2. The complete corrected table appears below. “
“Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2012, 22:398–400 Available online 27th July 2012 0959-437X/$ – see front matter, Published by Elsevier Ltd. Current Comments are a rapid outlet for scientific opinions on Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase a topic of general interest. Biglycan is an extracellular matrix component of many parts of the skeleton including bone, cartilage, tendon, teeth and muscle. Biglycan is predominantly expressed as a proteoglycan, but a mature form lacking GAG side chains (‘nonglycanated’) has recently been shown to have specific functions in muscle, synapses and Wnt signaling in bone. The biglycan gene is on the X (and not Y) chromosome and is dysregulated in Turner (XO) and Kleinfelter’s Syndromes (supernumery X) diseases, characterized by short and tall stature respectively. Biglycan deficient mice have shorter bones as well as lower bone mass (ostepenia/osteoporosis) [1], another notable feature observed in Turner Syndrome.

To gain experience concerning the effect of formulation on the IS

To gain experience concerning the effect of formulation on the ISTD, additional experiments using ISTD in parallel to standard routine experiments without ISTD are feasible. If no data of intentionally damaged skin is available for setting a cut-off limit (as done in the current work, Fig. 2), routine data could be used to depict a frequency histogram and

use the 95th percentile threshold as previously done for TWF (Fasano et al., 2002 and Meidan and Roper, 2008). In conclusion the standard integrity tests TEER, TEWL and TWF are useful to distinguish between impaired and intact human skin samples prior to a dermal absorption experiment, if limit values of 10 g m−2 h−1, Selleck Cabozantinib 4.5 ∗ 10−3 cm h−1 and

2 kΩ, respectively, are applied. The application of one of these tests is recommended for routine experiments. Furthermore, adding an internal reference standard to the test compound allows a continuous assessment of the barrier functionality over the entire experimental period. Combining both, an effective and non-invasive pre-test like TEWL and the concept of ISTD could improve the quality of dermal absorption experiments in the future. However, the routine application of ISTD is hampered by the need of a historical dataset which is required to define thresholds of integrity and develop a general protocol. Katharina Guth, Eric Fabian, Robert Landsiedel and Ben van Ravenzwaay are employees of BASF SE – a chemical company which may use the described models in the development of commerical RAD001 price products. Transparency document. We would like to

thank Geoffrey Pigott for providing the test compounds MCPA and MCPA-2EHE as well as ingredients for the MCPA formulation. “
“Clearer understanding of the toxicological behavior of nanomaterials (NM) is emerging with an increasing number of studies utilizing in vitro methodologies for toxicological assessments ( Rodriguez-Yanez Aprepitant et al., 2012 and Yang and Liu, 2012). Many of the assays utilize colorimetric and fluorimetric detection methods. One such assay, the resazurin assay is utilized to measure cell viability, based on the reduction of blue, non-fluorescent resazurin to pink, fluorescent resorufin by metabolically active cells ( O’Brien et al., 2000). The cellular reduction of resazurin occurs by metabolic enzymes located in the mitochondria, cytosol and the microsomal fractions ( De Fries and Mitsuhashi, 1995 and Gonzalez and Tarloff, 2001). The decrease in the magnitude of resazurin reduction below control levels indicates cytotoxicity (loss of cell viability). The test is simple, rapid, versatile, cost-effective and shows a high degree of correlation with cytotoxicity assessed by other methods, such as MTS ( Riss and Moravec, 2004).

Indeed, although both cortisol and aldosterone levels increased d

Indeed, although both cortisol and aldosterone levels increased during the morning hours, the ratio between aldosterone and cortisol was much higher during the early night, when the effects of spironolactone on T cell counts were apparent. This tempts to speculate that rather than MR activation per se, the balance between MR and GR activation is more crucial for the regulation of T cell migration. On the other hand, the effect of spironolactone fading in the morning hours can be taken to

exclude that MR signaling is involved in the prominent circadian decline in T cell numbers at that time. This decline in T cells was paralleled not only by an increase in cortisol but also in CXCR4 expression, i.e.,

a pattern in line with the view derived from previous studies LGK-974 clinical trial that cortisol via activation of GR induces CXCR4 expression which in turn accelerates the migration of T cells, presumably into the bone marrow (Dimitrov et al., 2009, Fauci, 1975 and Okutsu et al., 2005). GR and MR can form heterodimers thereby increasing the functional diversity of these receptors (Liu et al., 1995, Nishi et al., 2004 and Trapp et al., 1994). The fact that spironolactone did neither affect CXCR4 expression nor the decrease in blood Vincristine purchase T cell counts in the morning shows that this pattern is GR driven, and does not require concomitant activation of MR. Of note, in the absence of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 cortisol binds MR with even higher affinity than GR (Krozowski et al., 1999, Rupprecht et al., 1993 and Zhang et al., 2005). Estimates from animal studies indicate that during the circadian nadir of glucocorticoid

levels about 50 per cent of MR are occupied by endogenous selleck chemicals llc corticosteroids (Kalman and Spencer, 2002). Therefore, the increasing effect of spironolactone on naïve T cell counts might basically stem also from a blockade of low cortisol levels acting on the MR. However, in humans, there is evidence for a threefold higher affinity of lymphocytic MR for aldosterone than cortisol (Armanini et al., 1985), making it unlikely that cortisol substantially contributes to MR mediated T cell trafficking during early nocturnal sleep. Also, an unspecific mediation of the effects via non-lymphocytic MR seems unlikely, as the effect was cell-subset specific, with no impact of spironolactone on CD62L− T cells, and we did not observe any effects on blood pressure or sleep architecture, nor did the subjects report any side effects. Though unlikely, it cannot be fully ruled out that non-MR mediated effects of spironolactone, like a down-regulation of IL-2 production (Sonder et al., 2006), added to the observed increase in circulating T helper cells. Testing with more specific MR antagonists or agonists might help to resolve this issue in future studies.

Guangzhou is

Guangzhou is learn more the largest city of southern China and the third largest Chinese city. As of 2010, the city’s administrative area had a population of 12.8 million, making Guangzhou the most populous southern city. Not established until 1979, when it was no more than a market town situated on the border with the then British colony of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has become one of the largest cities in the Pearl River delta as well

as the largest manufacturing base in the world. Today, this Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is the 10th most populous city in China with some 10.4 million residents. Some estimates place the population surrounding the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, which can today be referred to as a Mega City – the world’s first megalopolis – at 40 million including Shenzhen (>10 million), Dongguan (>8 million), Foshan (>7 million), Jiangmen (>4 million) and Zhongshan (>3 million). In 2008, Guangzhou alone was identified as a Beta World City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. If, therefore, Guangzhou itself, sitting at the head of the Pearl’s estuary, is included we can estimate a delta-wide urban population of some 150 million people. This

does not, however, include either the gambling city of Macau, until 1999 a former Portuguese colony, with a resident population of ∼0.5 million (but a much greater transient one) nor, until 1997, the former British BIBF1120 colony of Hong Kong, which with a population of >7.2 million people (and a transient one of >126 million), is classified as an Alpha + City. With a land area of only 1104 km2, the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong’s lack of space has created the world’s most vertical city. Kowloon, with a population density of ∼44,000 km2 ranks as one of, if not the, most dense human conurbations ever known. The Pearl River’s delta either today, therefore,

is probably home to, conservatively, over 160 million people but growth has not yet ended. Regional goals for 2020 include the development of two or three new cities, the expansion of road, rail, seaport and airport infrastructures and the construction of the 50 km long Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge – across the Pearl currently traversed by thousands of ferries each day. Since the end of the last ice age, sea levels have risen in southern China by over 10 m (but were even higher in the Early Holocene) so that the Pearl River’s delta contains hundreds of little islands (former mountain tops), there being some 235 within Hong Kong’s 1650 km2 territorial waters alone. And, because of the vast amounts of silt deposited by the river, estimated at ∼86 million tonnes each year, the estuary’s flanks are bordered (or used to be) everywhere by mangrove stands – these lie close to the northern limits of the component species’ ranges.

Jest również zarejestrowany do stosowania w układowych chorobach,

Jest również zarejestrowany do stosowania w układowych chorobach, takich jak: reumatoidalne zapalenie

stawów, młodzieńcze idiopatyczne zapalenie stawów, łuszczyca. Dobry efekt działania tego preparatu u dzieci z CD, zarówno w indukcji remisji, jak i w jej podtrzymaniu, został opisany w licznych pracach podsumowujących retrospektywnie podaż adalimumabu wśród tej grupy pacjentów [40], UK-371804 in vivo [41], [42] and [43]. Lek jest podawany w odstępach dwutygodniowych. Jedynym prospektywnym badaniem opisującym skuteczność adalimumabu w leczeniu choroby Leśniowskiego i Crohna u dzieci jest badanie IMAgINE1 opublikowane w 2012 [44]. W badaniu wzięło udział 192 pacjentów z ciężką i średniociężką postacią CD, z czego 23% otrzymało infliximab przed przystąpieniem do badania. U większości z nich przed przystąpieniem do badania wystąpiła utrata odpowiedzi na infliximab lub reakcje nadwrażliwości

na infliximab. Badanie potwierdziło skuteczność stosowania adalimumabu u dzieci z click here CD. Wykazano większą skuteczność podaży adalimumabu u pacjentów nieleczonych uprzednio biologicznie. Omówione powyżej preparaty anty-TNF-α są lekami, których skuteczność potwierdzono w wielu badaniach klinicznych wśród dorosłych i dzieci z CD. Jednak część pacjentów nie odpowiada na zastosowane leki biologiczne lub traci na nie odpowiedź. Rozwiązaniem może być podaż innych leków biologicznych. Istnieją badania przeprowadzone w populacji dorosłych, które potwierdzają skuteczność stosowania certolizumabu pegol [45] and [46] oraz natalizumabu [47] and [48]. Certolizumab pegol jest stosowany również w terapii reumatoidalnego

these zapalenia stawów. Jest to fragment Fab monoklonalnego przeciwciała skierowanego przeciwko anty-TNF-α. Dzięki połączeniu z glikolem polietylenowym wydłużeniu ulega czas półtrwania tego leku. U pacjentów biorących udział w przytoczonych badaniach uzyskano odpowiedź kliniczną na zastosowane leczenie. Dodatkowo zwrócono uwagę na większą skuteczność leczenia u pacjentów nieotrzymujących terapii biologicznej. Natalizumab jest to humanizowane przeciwciało monoklonalne skierowane przeciwko α-integrynie obecnej na leukocytach. W badaniach klinicznych wykazano skuteczność stosowania leku w stwardnieniu rozsianym oraz chorobie Leśniowskiego i Crohna. Jednak ze względu na ryzyko wystąpienia PML (postępującej wieloogniskowej leukoencefalopatii) obecnie ten preparat nie jest zarejestrowany do stosowania w leczeniu CD. U pacjentów otrzymujących leki biologiczne za względu na osłabienie układu odpornościowego istnieje większe prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia infekcji, takich jak: gruźlica, zakażenia oportunistyczne, posocznica i zakażenia górnych dróg oddechowych [29], [49] and [50]. Do działań niepożądanych leków biologicznych należą również reakcje poinfuzyjne, spowodowane wytworzonymi przez organizm przeciwciałami skierowanymi przeciwko fragmentom leku [51].

No EKG was performed in the interval after the incompatible red c

No EKG was performed in the interval after the incompatible red cell transfusion and before the surgery. One day after receiving the incompatible PRCB unit, the patient underwent laparoscopic reduction of the hiatal hernia and gastrostomy tube insertion without incident. On post-operative day 2 the hemoglobin was noted to be 83 g/L. Two Kpa-negative PRBC units were found to be compatible with the patient’s plasma at the anti-globulin phase crossmatch.

One unit was transfused with no reaction. The patient was discharged from hospital one week after surgery in stable condition. For all transfusion testing, an appropriately identified EDTA tube of peripheral blood was obtained from the patient. ABO and RhD typing was performed using microplate technology on the Galileo Neo instrument Selleck Nutlin 3a (Immucor Inc. Norcross, GA, USA). A three cell Venetoclax antibody

screen was performed by solid phase technology using the CAPTURE-R READY-SCREEN (3), Lot No. R311 (Immucor Inc, Norcross). A red cell unit was assigned to the patient using the electronic crossmatch validated to be compliant with published standards [7]. Laboratory testing for the investigation of the reported transfusion reaction was performed in keeping with standard methodologies [5]. An immediate spin crossmatch was performed by adding two drops of patient post-transfusion plasma to an empty tube with one drop of 3% red cell suspension prepared from the implicated donor red cell unit segment. After mixing, the tube was centrifuged at 3400 rpm for 15 seconds. The solution was examined for hemolysis. The red cell button was resuspended and read macroscopically for agglutination. As no agglutination or hemolysis was observed the test was reported as negative. The test was continued to the antiglobulin phase by adding two drops PEG reagent to the tube and incubating at 37 °C for 15 minutes. The solution was washed four times. Two drops of anti-IgG were added, gently mixed and then centrifuged at 3400 rpm for 15 seconds. Immediately after centrifugation the cells were resuspended and read macroscopically. The antiglobulin

Bay 11-7085 crossmatch was incompatible with grade 3 agglutination. A direct antiglobulin test (DAT) was performed by washing one drop of the patient 3% red cell suspension to a dry cell button and then adding two drops of polyspecific antihuman globulin reagent. After mixing the tube was centrifuged at 3400 rpm for 15 seconds. Immediately after centrifugation the cells were resuspended and examined both macroscopically and microscopically. The polyspecific DAT was reported as weakly positive (microscopic). Differential DAT testing was performed by the same technique using monospecific reagents. The anti-IgG showed a weakly positive result and anti-C3 was weakly positive only after 5 minute room temperature incubation. Prior to the first (incompatible) PRBC transfusion the patient was typed as group O, Rh positive, consistent with the patient’s historical blood group on file.

Multiple alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of 22 full

Multiple alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of 22 full-ORF genes and 3 typical α-gliadin genes derived from bread wheat cultivars Shan 253 (GQ891685), Chuannong 16 (DQ246448) and Gaocheng 8901 (EF561274) in GenBank showed that the 22 genes possessed typical structures of the previously

characterized α-gliadin genes (Fig. 1). The size of each sequence depended principally on the length of the N-terminal repetitive region and two polyglutamine domains. Compared to other sequences, in the N-terminal repeated region, a deletion LPYPQPQ at position 82–88 was detected in Z4A-3 to Z4A-6, Z4A-8, Z4A-13, Z4A-18, Z4A-21 and Z4A-22, while an extra insertion QLPYPQP at position 100–106 Buparlisib molecular weight was identified in Z4A-5. In the two glutamine repeats, the number of glutamine residues varied from

9 to 27 in the first and 5 to 22 in the second. In the two unique domains, six conserved cysteine residues were found in 17 genes, except that Z4A-15 lacked the second conserved cysteine residue (C2) in the unique domain I, and Z4A-7, Z4A-14, Z4A-17 and Z4A-20 contained an extra cysteine residue created by a serine-to-cysteine residue change in the C-terminal unique domain II. In addition to the 22 full-ORF genes, 21 pseudogenes containing at least one in-frame stop codon resulting from base transition (accounting for 80.95%) find more or frameshift mutations (Z4A-30, Z4A-39, Z4A-41 and Z4A-43) were identified. Of the stop codons caused by base transition, single-base C to T substitution, turning a CAA or CAG codon for glutamine residue into a TAA or TAG stop codon, accounted for

91.43% of the cases. Notably, the deduced amino sequence of Z4A-27 lacked the unique domain I compared to the other typical α-gliadin genes. To confirm authenticity and provide a useful basis for further study of structure–function relationships, two putative proteins (Z4A-15 and Z4A-20) with different numbers of cysteine residues were further constructed in the expression vector pET30a. By PCR and DNA sequencing, the positive recombinants were confirmed to have been correctly incorporated into the pET30a plasmids. The two recombinant plasmids were transformed into E. coli BL21 and the fusion proteins were induced with 1 mmol L− 1 IPTG at 37 °C for at least 4 h and detected by SDS-PAGE and C1GALT1 Western blotting ( Fig. 2). SDS-PAGE electrophoresis yielded two specific protein bands of size close to that of the fusion protein at around 38 kDa (Fig. 2-a, indicated by arrows) in the induced samples of Z4A-15 and Z4A-20, though the expression levels were low compared to those of the bacterial proteins. Based on the results of Western blotting (Fig. 2-b), the induced fusion proteins of Z4A-15 and Z4A-20 extracted from E. coli were further confirmed by their strong hybridization to the anti-His Tag mouse monoclonal antibody, whereas no hybridizing signals were detected for the bacterium with the pET30a empty vector and un-induced samples.

1–10 kHz) Consequently, a modelling approach based on vessel mov

1–10 kHz). Consequently, a modelling approach based on vessel movements derived from AIS data should account for the majority of variability in noise exposure, provided the ship source levels input to the model are sufficiently accurate and acoustic propagation models are sufficiently predictive. Future work could explore whether this is achievable through implementation of such models and comparison with recorded data. In addition to analysis of AIS movements, time-lapse footage was also reviewed to explore the potential for corroboration of AIS vessel identifications, detection of non-AIS vessels responsible this website for unidentified noise peaks, and characterisation of

unusual acoustic events. The frame presented in Fig. 7a corresponds to the timing of the noise peak at around 09:00 presented in Fig. 7c–e, and confirms the previous identification of this vessel from the CPA of its AIS track. An example in the Supplementary

material of a noise peak unidentified by AIS also shows a small vessel in the field of view of the time-lapse camera (although it is difficult to distinguish). Two examples of time-lapse footage paired with acoustic and AIS data are provided in the Supplementary material as videos, which demonstrate the potential for this method to be used as a quick review tool of ship movements and underwater noise variability in coastal environments. They also provide an intuitive and informative educational tool to highlight the impact of ship noise on marine soundscapes and the potential ABT-888 solubility dmso for masking, behavioural and physiological impacts to marine fauna. As these examples illustrate, improving Cell Cycle inhibitor the visual and temporal resolution and the field of view would significantly enhance the power of this method for vessel monitoring and identification in coastal waters. The MSFD proposes to monitor underwater ambient noise in EU waters, using two 1/3-octave frequency bands (63

and 125 Hz) as indicators of shipping noise levels (EU, 2008 and Tasker et al., 2010). Ships also generate noise above these frequencies – as was observed in this study [Figs. 5a and 6b] – though at higher frequencies sound is attenuated more rapidly by water and so is generally more localised. To assess whether higher frequency bands may be appropriate indicators for noise exposure from shipping, we compared mean noise levels in 1/3-octave frequency bands centred on 63, 125, 250 and 500 Hz (Fig. 8c) with daily broadband sound exposure levels in the range 0.05–1 kHz. This wider frequency band (0.05–1 kHz) approximately corresponds to the nominal range of shipping noise (0.01–10 kHz; Tasker et al., 2010), but avoids the greatest levels of flow noise, which increases with decreasing frequency (Strasberg, 1979). All four bands were highly correlated with noise exposure levels in the wider frequency band (Fig.

6A) The comparison between dilutions 1/500 and 1/1000 of positiv

6A). The comparison between dilutions 1/500 and 1/1000 of positive and negative sera showed the most divergent OD values. The dilution of 1/500 exhibited an average OD value of around 0,93 for the positive serum and around 0,28 for the negative serum. In the dilution 1/1000, the average OD value dropped rapidly to about 0,53 in the positive serum and continued diminishing gradually. The dilution 1/1000 made with the negative serum decreased to an average OD value of about 0,23 and also the decreased pattern was sustained until the last dilution tested. A similar experiment was performed with the HAH5 protein directly from the culture supernatant

of the clone CHO-HAH5 78 suspension culture (Fig. 6B). The average OD values in the dilutions 1/500 and 1/1000 for the positive serum were 0,81 and 0,51 and for the negative serum were 0,29 and 0,23, respectively. This assay repeated the decreased pattern Ion Channel Ligand Library in the OD values for the next sera dilutions. In our laboratories, a distinct expression system was already used to successfully produce the HAH5 protein, in which

the synthetic gene coding this molecule was inserted in an adenoviral vector and used for the transduction of SiHa cells [8]. We had used this expression system for producing several chimeric proteins [13] and [14]. The HAH5 protein obtained by this method was also used to perform ELISA assays directly Selleck Protease Inhibitor Library tetracosactide from the culture supernatant or in its purified form. Although the HAH5 protein was produced in a distinct expression system,

the ELISA results using the same conditions as above were very similar. Plates coated with the HAH5 protein purified by IC from the supernatant of transduced SiHa cells showed the same decreased pattern in the average OD values when sera dilutions were increased (Fig. 6C). The averages OD of positive and negative sera at dilution 1/500 were 0,91 and 0,29, respectively. In the sera dilutions 1/1000, the average OD for the positive serum was 0,56 and for the negative serum was 0,20. The OD values for the other dilutions continued decreasing. In plates coated with the HAH5 protein directly from the culture supernatant of transduced SiHa cells, the average OD for the dilution 1/500 was 0,79 for the positive serum and 0.30 for the negative serum (Fig. 6D). The dilution 1/1000 showed OD values of 0,46 and 0,21 for the positive and the negative serum, respectively. The expected decreased kinetic in OD values for the other sera dilutions was also observed in this assay. The statistical analysis comparing point to point the average OD values of the ELISA assays coating with the HAH5 protein from the different expression systems in its purified form or directly from the culture supernatant did not show significant differences.